Our History

Our story began in September 2023 when four inspired teachers decided to teach four children coming with various challenging educational histories. The environment that was developed over the year became a space where both teachers and students were interested and motivated to learn together. As teachers, it was essential that every child was listened to, understood, and observed attentively so that the root of various behavioral challenges could reveal themselves.

As the year progressed, Chrysalis grew to seven children and five teachers. We learned how to create warm, welcoming social environments together held by consistent rhythm. The year culminated in a multimedia performance of the story Momo. The play exemplified the growth that the children had gone through throughout the year, and it was remarkable to see them support each other and build real camaraderie. This play was also an opportunity for children who had previously had difficult experiences in educational settings and in the community to offer a gift and be appreciated by their peers and the broader community in a new way.